Monday, May 4, 2009

Event on Monday May 18

The final installment of the Devil is in the Details lecture series titled ‘Renewable Energy – the Devil is in the Details’

Monday May 18, 7:00 PM
The Nebraska League of Conservation Voters Education Fund is hosting a discussion about integrating renewable energy into the energy grid, how do you make an intermittent resource reliable?

With Mr. Bob Zavadil, Vice President & Principal Consultant for EnerNex Corp.
Date: Monday, May 18

Time: 7:00P M. – 8:00 PM Location:Hardin Hall
University of Nebraska –Lincoln, East Campus (Home of the School of Natural Resources)

3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln, NE 68508

For wind energy to play a role in supplying the nation's energy needs, integrating wind energy into the power grid of the United States is an important issue to address. Large amounts of wind energy are located in areas of the United States without transmission lines to the power grid, and the natural variability of the wind resource raises concerns about how wind can be integrated into the existing transmission system.

The Nebraska League of Conservation Voters Education Fund is proud to host energy consultant and wind integration expert Bob Zavadil Vice President & Principal Consultant of the EnerNex Corporation to discuss integrating wind and making it reliable. Join us for this exciting event to hear from one of today’s foremost experts on wind integration and the clean energy future.

Bottom line, when we flip the switch, we expect the lights to turn on… can renewable energy do that for us?

The event is on Monday, May 18 on UNL’s East Campus in the Hardin Hall Auditorium at 7:00 PM for more information visit or contact Eva Sohl at