On my recent show (May 17), I invited Joel Jorgensen, nongame bird program manager from Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, to talk about migratory birds that travel through Nebraska. Particularly, we talked about the Peregrine Falcons (see photo on right by Joel Jorgensen) that nest high up on the state capitol building. That nest has a live-feed webcam on it, and the website to access it is outdoornebraska.org. Just scroll down the page to the article on Peregrine Falcons. The Game and Parks Commission also has a webcam on an American Kestrel nest.
We also talked about the International Migratory Bird Day, which is held the second Saturday in May every year. IMBD is celebrated from South America to Canada, and it started in 1993 as a way to bring awareness to the importance of the habitat not only where birds nest, but also where they spend the winter months.
This is a great time of year to get out and see birds. Places around Lincoln that have great birding opportunities are Pioneers Park, Wilderness Park, Spring Creek Prairie (near Denton), the old dump north of Lincoln, and city and east campuses of UNL.
If you're interested in where to go in the state to see particular bird species, or are just curious about other great birding spots, visit the Nebraska Birding Trails website at nebraskabirdingtrails.com.
Until next time,
Chris the Bird Lady